just starting out? don't be too embarrassed to use them...

Friday, June 1, 2007

Desperate to make money, I am!

Getting started in Internet Marketing is no easy task. There is almost unlimited money to be made, but without the help of a mentor you will be hard pressed to know what direction to take. Everyone claims to know the way to a comfortable living if you buy their product, but most of the time it's their lifestyle that the newbie like me supports with our multiple purchases on products that are way over our head.

I am not ready to throw in the towel yet. I must admit though that the odds are against the newcomer to Internet marketing. One of the keys to success is 'The List', and usually that is what's lacking when you start out. So without the list the best thing to do is to build up your knowledge. Here are two excellent places to do so.

First is my favorite Free iQ. On this website are some of the Biggest names in Internet Marketing. It's free to join, and there is an almost unlimited amount of free content so you can grasp the basics and get an idea on the direction that you want take.

Number Two is The Warrior Forum. Just hanging around there will increase your knowledge. Once you start participating in the conversations, your bound to come up with a workable idea or two.

The real motivator for today's post is that I found something on Free iQ that I am going to buy, and give it my best effort. Shawn Casey, an Internet marketer who has had millions in sales since 1999. Has come out with Desperate Money 2007. In it he has raised a challenge to 15 of the top Internet marketers on how they could make $1000 in 48hrs.

Oh yeah, he added some conditions to the challenge. This is a quote from the sales page.

"They have NONE of the assets they now have — a mailing list, a database, a website, an affiliate program, whatever. They must start completely from scratch — as most newbies do.

Well I am a newbie, and I am going to take that challenge also. The only condition that I am going to add is that I get up to 2 weeks.

I will keep this blog updated on my progress.

See you,
Yukio X